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Beverly Naya Hands Out Valuable Nuggets On Practicing Self-Love



Actress Beverly Naya shares invaluable wisdom on the importance of self-care, emphasizing a simple yet profound daily ritual that can transform your life: saying “I love you” to yourself.

According to her, in our fast-paced lives, we often neglect the most crucial person in our world—ourselves. However, practicing self-love is essential for our overall well-being. Here’s the transformative ritual Beverly Naya advocates:

Stand in front of your mirror, look into your own eyes (this establishes a connection with your inner self) and say out loud, ‘I love you’ sincerely and slowly.

At first, it might feel strange or even uncomfortable. That’s okay. It’s a simple yet profound act of self-compassion that can change your life. Do this daily, or as often as you can. The more you practice, the more profound its impact becomes.

Why is this practice so important?

1. Validation: When you tell yourself ‘I love you,’ you validate your own worthiness and significance. You acknowledge that you are deserving of love and care.

2. Positive Affirmation: This daily affirmation reaffirms your self-worth, replacing self-doubt and criticism with self-compassion and acceptance.

3. Embracing Imperfections: It’s a reminder that you’re not perfect, and that’s perfectly okay. You’re human, with flaws and strengths, and that’s what makes you beautifully unique.

See her post:

Photo credit: Instagram/beverlynaya

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