Renowned martial artist and formidable fighter, Simon ‘Silverback’ Domingos, has officially confirmed his participation in the ground-breaking South African Bare Knuckle Fighting Championship. As the first-ever...
In a concerning turn of events, Michael Ilesanmi, known from the hit reality show 90 Day Fiancé, has disappeared after relocating to America with his wife,...
After the blockbuster success of the 2022 film ‘Aníkúlápó’ helmed by director Kunle Afolayan, the highly anticipated sequel series is set to debut on March 1,...
Gospel sensation Moses Bliss and his beloved fiancée Marie Wiseborn are spreading joy with the release of their pre-wedding photoshoot.
The highly anticipated debut album from Dukes of Roots, a Reggae eclectic band, is set to be released on February 28th, 2024. This self-titled album is...
Rotimi, the Nigerian-American singer, has joined forces with the talented Mayorkun and Nasty C for his latest single titled “Sade.”
Meet Seun Osigbesan, better known as Jennifer from ‘The Johnsons’ sitcom, who recently graced the cover of Vanguard Allure magazine.
Get ready for an exciting cinematic experience as “Ajosepo” brings all the family chaos we know and love to the big screen this April!
Nollywood actress and producer Sandra Okunzuwa recently celebrated her birthday in style with a breathtaking photoshoot.
Nigerian businessman Simon Guobadia has broken his silence following news of his impending divorce from American reality star Porsha Williams.