This week, the housemates competed against one another in the Head of House game in six teams of three housemates each. The goal of the game...
In “Umntwana Ongaphakathi” (The Child Inside), we immerse ourselves in a tale of self-discovery and healing, chronicling the poignant journey of the lead character, Khumbula (played...
It’s been over two weeks since the OGs returned to the Biggieverse. There’s already been two strong ships, two shaky ships, at least 20 fights, one...
The game is on, and Big Brother’s house is getting hotter as the house was rocked by yet another eviction on Sunday night, and the outcome...
Ghanaian actor Eddie Nartey has a heartwarming announcement: he’s found love again. After the tragic loss of his wife two years ago, Eddie Nartey is starting...
Get ready for a dose of entertainment magic as Nollywood’s very own Jide Kene Achufusi graces the spotlight in Ruggedman’s latest skit ‘Emergency’.
A year after the joyous arrival of their second son in May 2022, Stephanie Linus and her husband Linus Idahosa marked a poignant milestone as they...
Renowned Nollywood icon Genevieve Nnaji is making her triumphant comeback to the cinematic stage, five years after her Netflix original “Lionheart” (2018).
Nollywood actress and producer, Bimbo Afolayan, has revealed the completion of her latest triumph: the second instalment of the opulent Extreme Royal Hotel & Suites, nestled...
Dynamic Nigerian artist Lifesize Teddy, a multi-talented rapper, singer, and songwriter, and the latest addition to the illustrious Mavin Records roster has unleashed the captivating official...