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Laura Ikeji Is Grateful For Peace From Her Hubby In This Covid Times



Laura Ikeji Is Grateful For Peace From Her Hubby In This Covid Times

Fashion enthusiast and entrepreneur Laura Ikeji is thankful for her husband Ogbonna Kanu giving her peace of mind even in this turbulent times.

The couple went to the US to have their second baby and have been stuck for four months at her sister’s house due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the stress of living in close quarters with her sister who has a family of her own, tending to her own young kids, herself , her husband and the unrest and certainty in the world, Ogbonna still makes it easy for her to thrive.

Laura posted beautiful pictures of herself and her husband all loved up and captioned it:

You give me peace of mind @ogbobekee1 . 4 months stuck together in the US and I still have peace of mind. That’s grand babe. Thank you!

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