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Sharon Ooja Celebrates Bridal Shower In Style



Sharon Ooja Celebrates Bridal Shower In Style

Nollywood actress Sharon Ooja Egwurube recently celebrated her bridal shower surrounded by friends, family, and colleagues.

The event, shared on the newlywed actress’ Instagram story, featured several well-known faces from the industry, including Omowunmi Onalaja, Ini Dima-Okojie, Bisola Aiyeola, Jemima Osunde, Nancy Isime, Kehinde Smith, and Beverly Osu.

The shower, held over the weekend, was an intimate affair with Sharon’s close circle of friends and sisters in attendance. The gathering included friends she has known since childhood, as well as those she has met and grown close to in her adult life.

Photos and videos from the vibrant event captured moments of joy and camaraderie, highlighting the strong bonds Sharon Ooja shares with her guests.

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