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Do2dtun Advocates for DNA Testing at Birth



Do2dtun Advocates for DNA Testing at Birth
  • Do2dtun’s advocacy for DNA testing at birth has sparked a lively debate on social media, with many agreeing and disagreeing with his stance.
  • The OAP’s argument highlights the importance of genetic information in understanding a child’s health risks and potential medical needs.DNA testing can provide valuable insights into a child’s genetic makeup, but it also raises ethical concerns about privacy and informed consent.

Media personality Do2dtun has sparked a thought-provoking conversation on social media by advocating for DNA testing to be done on children immediately after birth.

Taking to his Twitter account, the OAP shared his opinion on why DNA testing should be a prerequisite for newborns, just like other routine tests conducted after birth.

According to Do2dtun, people often view DNA testing as a sensitive topic because it’s seen as a test of trust, but he believes it’s essential to know the truth from the beginning. He emphasized that DNA testing provides valuable information about a child’s genetic makeup, health history, and potential health risks.

“I believe DNA shld be a prerequisite immediately a child is born. The same way they carry out test on a child when they are born. It shld be seamless. It is seen as sacred cos people see it as a borderline mishap for trust but It’s best to know in the beginning & now. The moment it’s seen as a mechanism for trust then it defeats the purpose. It was not invented to test trust. Also it produces your genetic info, your health history & things you need to look out for for example if you have a family history of hypertension, it will tell you.”

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