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Watch Toke Makinwa Weigh In On “Wives Vs Side Chicks” Public Face-Off



Media personality Toke Makinwa is questioning the trend of married women looking shabby, dressed down and sad while confronting their husband’s side chicks.

According to her;

For a while now the Internet has been blessing us with videos of alleged wives accosting their husband’s mistresses in public places and I had to do a Vlog on this crazy trend.

First off I think most of the videos are staged, secondly why do the wives look so bad? Why do they have to portray the wife as a run down, dressed funny, sad looking woman?

I am of the opinion that if your partner cheats, it is not a reflection of who you are but solely on the cheat, fighting his accomplice is never a good look, I want more women to invest in their glow up and focus on their mental health and leave all these cheating men to face the shame alone.

Watch below;