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Lala Akindoju Wishes Hubby Chef Fregz Happy Birthday With A Super Sweet Post



Kemi ‘Lala’ Akindoju took to Instagram on Tuesday to wish her hubby, Gbubemi Fregene aka Chef Fregz a happy birthday.

Singing her man’s praises, Lala in her birthday caption says she wants the world to know he’s so kind, dedicated and loving to everyone that crosses his path.

Adding in the sweetness, Lala also complimented Chef Fregz, saying he makes the best asaro and palm oil stew.

She finished up the caption by thanking him for being her head of team.

She shared some cute pictures


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A post shared by lala akindoju (@lalaakindoju) on

Excuse me sir, why are you so fresh like today’s bread? I need to toast you! Please step into my office….
Writing this post to declare that your path will keep shining brighter and brighter, your dreams will manifest quicker this year and your joy will be full forever. The whole world is awaiting your manifestion…
I want the world to know you are so kind, dedicated and loving to everyone that crosses your path. You look out for me in ways I could never have imagined, you literally carry my whole matter on your head- my community have become yours, and you’ve become my strongest backbones after the the Holy Spirit. .
Thank you for being the best purpose partner.
Thank you for always buying me hot baffs.
Thank you for all my photo shoots- sometimes you show up at events just to take my pictures.
Thank you for cooking for me- you make the best asaro and palm oil stew 😋
Thank you for always bringing flowers to my plays- please don’t stop.
Thank you for always reminding me of God’s word.
Thank you for being my head of team.

the actress wrote in her Instagram post.

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