In an unexpected revelation on the Honest Bunch Podcast, the ever-charismatic Nigerian comedian Helen Paul unravelled a fascinating chapter of her career, intertwined with the iconic...
Back in 2022, Jacaranda FM launched an exciting regional presenter search with a specific focus on unearthing radio broadcast talent in Limpopo. Manani Botes was one of the...
Like any other entertainment sector globally, Nollywood can take a lot of work to break into. Often, it takes years to make a name after gruelling...
In a monumental win for South African animal welfare, Dogtown South Africa clinched the prestigious International Training Programme Award at the recently concluded International Companion Animal Welfare Conference...
Ghanaian Songstress Efya has rubbished comparisons between the Ghanaian and Nigerian music industries, saying Lagos is “bigger” than Ghana. Efya said Nigeria’s numerical advantage places the...
The Music of Black Origin (MOBO) Awards in the UK have confirmed that the next edition will take place at Utilita Arena in Sheffield on 7...
Afrofuture, formerly known as Afrochella is an African music festival that started in 28 December 2017 in celebration of Africa’s diverse culture and the vibrant work...
Mortuary Workers Association of Ghana (MOWAG), has announced their intention to go on a nationwide strike starting Wednesday, November 29, 2023. The decision comes as a...
In a recent interview with Stephanie Coker, renowned Nollywood actress Shaffy Bello shared her perspective on the ongoing debate surrounding “What do women bring to the...
Nigerian singer and songwriter, Ayox, has recently dropped the much-anticipated official video for his hit track “Walking Dead,” featuring the dynamic Zlatan Ibile.