Prepare to be thrilled and chilled as a new, spine-tingling Nigerian horror film, “Egun,” produced by Ife Olujuyige, is set to unleash fear in theatres nationwide...
Olarotimi Fakunle has a curious name and a curious personality. His name sounds like Ola Rotimi, the prestigious Nigerian writer. Yet they have no affiliations except...
Ghana’s celebrated events MC and freelance journalist, Ato Turkson, has been named one of the hosts for the 2023 edition of Africa Movie Academy Awards –...
Renowned Nigerian actor, Richard Eyimofe Evans Mofe-Damijo, fondly known as RMD, says “The Black Book” movie which is his third action thriller stands out as one...
It’s often interesting to see someone who studied a serious science like Applied Biochemistry from a university like Nnamdi Azikwe University, Akwa, easily glide into entertainment...
Nollywood’s Funmi Awelewa, known as ‘Morili Omo Ibadan’ for her humorous on-screen roles, is taking her creative talents to new heights by transitioning from acting to...
When Tobi started his life as a young adult, he probably didn’t set out to be the number 1 action star in Africa, a title he...
Immerse yourself in this captivating narrative as you get up to speed with episodes 8 to 12 of ‘Every Woman Has A Story’ by the talented...
The Real Housewives of Lagos Season 2 is now streaming on Showmax in sub-Saharan Africa, with new episodes every Friday. Showmax subscribers in Africa will have...
Premiering exclusively on Prime Video starting September 29th, 2023, “She Must Be Obeyed” is set to captivate audiences with its gripping five-part mini-series, directed by Funke...