Natalia Andoh, a renowned counselor and psychologist, graced the stage of 3 Music TV’s Big Conversation on a vibrant Monday morning. The Culture Squad had the...
What a show! In a spectacular night of laughter and entertainment, the Savanna Newcomer Showcase took center stage at a sold out Theatre On The Square...
Celebrated Nigerian musician, Damini Ebunoluwa Ogulu MFR, known professionally as Burna Boy will make history as the only African artist to perform live at the Grammy...
Comedian Babatunde Aleshe and Love Island’s Indiyah will host the 26th MOBO Awards taking place at the Utilita Arena in Sheffield on February 7. DJ Spoony,...
International advocacy organization Global Citizen, creative imprint pgLang and H.E. Nana Akufo-Addo, President of Ghana, alongside H.E. Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda, today announced at the...
Last year, Jacaranda FM shared the devastating news that renowned radio personality Bongani Nxumalo started to lose his eyesight. His vision had deteriorated to about 5%, due to...
Nigerian musician Yemi Alade is excited to perform for thousands of people at the opening ceremony of the 2023 African Cup of Nations (AFCON). Taking to...
Showmax is relaunching in February 2024 with a brand-new look, a new app, and an entirely new product suite. This comes after the announcement of the...
After months of keeping Ghanaians in suspense, the man behind the mask, the leader of the New Force, has finally been revealed. On Sunday evening, at...
MultiChoice Ghana congratulates the MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) Class of 2023, for the successful completion of the programme and their graduation! It undoubtedly has been an...