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Nollywood Stars Genoveva Umeh, Demi Banwo, and Seun Ajayi Shine in “Stolen”



Nollywood Stars Genoveva Umeh, Demi Banwo, and Seun Ajayi Shine in "Stolen"

Sola Fola-Alade, pastor of The Liberty Church London, has released the first trailer for his debut film titled “Stolen.”

“Stolen” explores the journey of four Africans who migrate to the West for better opportunities for themselves and their families.

Inspired by real-life events, the film underscores themes of courage and determination in the face of adversity. It places significant emphasis on spirituality and the challenges encountered during and after migration.

The film features performances by well-known Nollywood actors, including Genoveva Umeh, Demi Banwo, Seun Ajayi, and Sola Fola-Alade himself.

Watch the trailer below:

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