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I Am The Man In The Mask – Jacob Caesar Reveals He Is The New Force



After months of keeping Ghanaians in suspense, the man behind the mask, the leader of the New Force, has finally been revealed.

On Sunday evening, at a press conference to address the media following the reported cancellation of a convention organized by the New Force group, millionaire and real estate tycoon, Nana Kwame Bediako, aka Freedom Jacob Caesar, revealed himself as the man behind the mask.

“I know you’re looking for the man and the man in the mask is sitting infront of you. I am nothing to be scared of. I came to you as your salvation. I don’t invest in myself alone, I’m investing in you,” he stated.

In his speech addressing the press, Freedom Jacob Caesar detailed his vision for the country and explained why he and his organization are no threat to the country.

“In 21 years of my life, I have been serving the nation, working so hard just to become an example of what wealth looks like. And building wealth comes from knowledge, wisdom and understanding. You need to get this value from your own surroundings.

“I grew up partly in Ghana and partly in England, and I came back to Africa in 2001, unlike Martin Luther King, I did not have a dream, I had a vision. I started watching the youth, and the streets and the roads, the rules and regulations, the conditions in the constitution that is stipulated and embedded in us as Africans. I had to walk on a different path and I was a lone. My investment on a road became a landmark and whatever I invested on this landmark is a footprint,” he stated.

He continued; “I am here for your legacy, I am part of your historians and I know many people want to see the true side of me. I know you know Nana Kwame Bediako but I know you’re still looking for Freedom Jacob Caesar.

Yes, I am rechristened and I am here. I’m not here to take your value, I’m here to add value to you. I discovered that the land that we belong to had so much wealth and until we churn it into our own, our economy will never be sustainable and we can no longer live in our country with a box economy. I needed to build a middle income economy without being a part of the government because I believe it’s part of my responsibility.”

Earlier today, a convention dubbed “Igniting the voices of Africa” was scheduled to be held at the Black Stars Square in Accra with speakers including Dr Arikana from Zimbabwe, P.L.O Lumumba from Kenya, Julius Malema from South Africa, and Peter Obi from Nigeria.

However, it is reported that the event was intercepted by special security forces and the military leading to its cancellation.

Organizers of the event were reportedly informed by the National Security that Sunday, January 7th, 2024, the date for the convention, was allocated for “security drills” at the Black Star Square.

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