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Actress Iyabo Ojo Fearlessly Challenges Lagos State Government’s Tax Declaration



Actress Iyabo Ojo Fearlessly Challenges Lagos State Government's Tax Declaration

Popular actress Iyabo Ojo has expressed her frustration and disbelief as the Lagos State Government declared that she owes approximately 18 million Naira in taxes.

In the now-deleted social media post, she addressed the government directly, questioning the basis for such exorbitant personal income taxes and the short timeframe given to pay the amount.

Iyabo Ojo pointed out that she has already been paying various types of taxes for her businesses and personal property. She further highlighted that despite complying with the government’s request to declare her earnings, there was no response to her previous communication. Instead, she was presented with a bill that she considers unreasonable and beyond her means.

In her statement, Iyabo Ojo raised the question of how the government arrives at these outrageous tax bills, emphasizing that she does not earn as much as they may think. She expressed her frustration at the lack of support or assistance provided by the government, noting that she has independently raised and supported her children without any financial aid.

The actress went on to criticize the government’s entitlement to a significant portion of her earnings when they have not contributed anything to her success or well-being.

She highlighted her resilience in working tirelessly to survive without government support, while they simply generate arbitrary bills from their offices. Iyabo Ojo voiced her dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in the country, where things are not functioning properly, yet the government continues to demand from those who have not received their fair share.

She ended her post with the assertion that she is not afraid of any repercussions that may arise from her refusal to pay the demanded amount. She expressed a willingness to face business closure, arrest, imprisonment, or more, as she firmly believes that everyone will eventually meet their fate. Fearless and resolute, she stated that she cannot give what she does not have.

The actress’s candid and defiant response highlights her frustration with the tax system and her determination to stand up for what she believes is fair. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the Lagos State Government will respond to her claims and whether a resolution can be reached.

She posted this:

Actress Iyabo Ojo Fearlessly Challenges Lagos State Government’s Tax Declaration
Actress Iyabo Ojo Fearlessly Challenges Lagos State Government's Tax Declaration
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