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See BTS Moments from “The Couple” Movie by Mercyflawless Media Productions



BTS Moments from “The Couple” Movie by Mercyflawless Media Productions

Mercyflawless Media Productions have released some of the BTS photos and clips from their movie ‘The Couple’ which weighs in on the pressure faced by couples trying to conceive after many years of marriage.

‘The Couple’, tells the story of Akinola and Tiwa Adeleke a couple that were unable to conceive a child several years after they were married despite medical practitioners certifying them fit.

Family and friends are pushing this Couple to make a decision that could make or break their future. Thus, they were torn between adoption, in vitro fertilization (IVF), surrogacy, and waiting for God’s time.

Will the love they have for each other withstand external pressure?

Production is still ongoing on the film which features, Mike Adeyemi, Funke Mercy Tanimola, Queen Oluwa, Bimbo Oshundunmade, Madam Saje, Wunmi Akinwande and a host of others

‘The Couple’ was shot on location in the USA and Nigeria, scripted by Olawusi Ajiboye, produced by Funke Mercy Tanimola and directed by Dele Ogundipe

Check it out:

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