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“..there’s Nothing Funny About Being Raped” – Nigerian Model Aduke Shitta-Bey 



Aduke Shitta-Bey 

Nigerian model, Aduke Shitta-Bey took to social media to express her views on rape culture, following the rape and murder of a 22 year old student, Uwavera Omozuwa in the church.

Growing up as a child in Nigeria one of the songs I used to dance to was KEREWA . I’d sing the song word for word , I didn’t realize the song was promoting rape but as I grew older I knew better .

Thinking back Nigerian movies back then also normalized rape I actually used to think sex was supposed to be forcefully taken from you.

[Tweet “I actually used to think sex was supposed to be forcefully taken from you.”]

Rape culture and sexual harassment in Nigeria needs to be addressed, its been deeply ingrained in the society as such it’s been normalized and slept on for long that sexual harassment is a casual thing and a thing guys brag about.

Rape jokes need to stop , there’s nothing funny about being raped . Sexual harassment jokes need to stop , there’s nothing funny about being sexually molested , it scars the woman forever.

Horrendous traumatizing life changing punishment and laws needs to be set in place to protect women . Victim blaming/shaming needs to die . We need to start shaming rapists and sexual assaulters . Let their faces be known . Victims need to feel safe and protected not perpetrators.

I also personally think sex education should be taught in schools because sexual harassment happens a lot in school . Sexual harassment in schools need to be addressed cause it happens so frequently.

Men need to speak to men and stop condoning their “ bro’s “ bad behavior towards women . African parents need to do a better job at raising their sons and stop excusing their shitty behaviors because “they are men”.

Your strength shouldn’t be used to be oppress us.

It’s so unfortunate how almost every woman has been sexually harassed. I’m terribly sorry about what you’ve been through , never feel ashamed for what happened to you , never feel guilt , it is not your fault . I pray every woman who has been through such heals.

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Growing up as a child in Nigeria one of the songs I used to dance to was KEREWA . I’d sing the song word for word , I didn’t realize the song was promoting rape but as I grew older I knew better . Thinking back Nigerian movies back then also normalized rape I actually used to think sex was supposed to be forcefully taken from you . Rape culture and sexual harassment in Nigeria needs to be addressed, its been deeply ingrained in the society as such it’s been normalized and slept on for long that sexual harassment is a casual thing and a thing guys brag about . Rape jokes need to stop , there’s nothing funny about being raped . Sexual harassment jokes need to stop , there’s nothing funny about being sexually molested , it scars the woman forever. Horrendous traumatizing life changing punishment and laws needs to be set in place to protect women . Victim blaming/shaming needs to die . We need to start shaming rapists and sexual assaulters . Let their faces be known . Victims need to feel safe and protected not perpetrators. I also personally think sex education should be taught in schools because sexual harassment happens a lot in school . Sexual harassment in schools need to be addressed cause it happens so frequently. Men need to speak to men and stop condoning their “ bro’s “ bad behavior towards women . African parents need to do a better job at raising their sons and stop excusing their shitty behaviors because “they are men” . Your strength shouldn’t be used to be oppress us . It’s so unfortunate how almost every woman has been sexually harassed. I’m terribly sorry about what you’ve been through , never feel ashamed for what happened to you , never feel guilt , it is not your fault . I pray every woman who has been through such heals . #saynotorape#stopmolestingwomen#stopkillingus#wearetired

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