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Kylie Jenner Goes On Twitter Rant After Forbes Stripped Her Of Her Billionaire Title



Forbes reported earlier that Kylie Jenner lied about her net worth, the Kylie Cosmetics’ yearly earnings and also forged tax returns.

In a feature titled :

“Inside Kylie Jenner’s Webs Of Lies – And Why She Is No Longer A Billionaire”

Forbes said Kylie Cosmetics, “is significantly smaller, and less profitable than the family has spent years leading the cosmetics industry and media outlets to believe”

Taking all this new information [READ HERE] into account and factoring in the pandemic, Forbes has recalculated Kylie’s net worth and concluded that she is not a billionaire. A more realistic accounting of her personal fortune puts it at just under $900 million.

Reacting to the feature, 22-year-old American Reality TV star who was named last year by Forbes as “The Youngest Self-Made Billionaire Ever.” took to Twitter: