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Femi Branch To Kick Off Annual ‘Femi Branch Playfest’ In May To Mark 50th Birthday



The Press Conference of the Annual ‘Femi Branch Playfest’ held on the 14th of February 2020 at the Excellence Hotel in Ogba, Lagos.

The Festival is expected to start with the play ‘KUNME THE MUSICAL’ touring 10 cities in Nigeria; IFE, AKURE, ADO EKITI, IBADAN, ABEOKUTA, IJEBU ODE, IKORODU, BADAGRY, BENIN & ABUJA to commemorate the Playwright, Poet and Author’s 50th birthday come 14th May.

From 27th – 31st May, 2020, four drama troupes shall perform his other Plays; PO!, SHALANGA, JUNGLE JUSTICE & ANKARA COMMITTEE.

See photos and a video from the Press Conference below;

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