When Africa Magic announced that Chichi Nworah would be producing its most prominent series in recent times and that it would be titled ‘Slum King’, people...
In a highly-anticipated release, the Africa Magic Original limited series, Slum King, is now available for streaming on Showmax. The gripping drama, comprising intense episodes, allows viewers...
Like any other entertainment sector globally, Nollywood can take a lot of work to break into. Often, it takes years to make a name after gruelling...
“Slum King” is a compelling tale that unravels the life of Edafe ‘Majemijesu’ Umukoro, a young boy who bore witness to the brutal massacre of his...
The highly anticipated exclusive premiere for “Slum King”, packed with a star-studded guest list took place at The Villa Dome in Ikoyi, Lagos, on Friday 6th...
Slum King is an intriguing story of Edafe ‘Majemijesu’ Umukoro, who witnessed the massacre of his family by armed robbers at age 11. The sad events...