In celebration of their nine years of marriage, renowned Nollywood actor, Deyemi Okanlawon, shared a sweet note and some before and after pictures to illustrate his...
10 of Nollywood’s leading men; Stan Nze, Lateef Adedeji, Bucci Franklin, Zubby Michael, Kunle Remi, Efa Iwara, Jide Kene A, Timini Egbuson, Daniel Etim Effiong, and...
Tobi Bakre and his wife Anu Oladosu welcomed their first child, a son, named Abdulmalik Oluwatobi Bakre on New Year’s Eve.
Zimbabwean actress and TV personality, Vimbai Mutinhiri-Ekpeyong who welcomed her first child with her husband back in July says being a mother was one of the...
Chioma Rowland aka ‘Chef Chi‘ has teamed with Canadian-Nigerian fashion brand De Lovét for their Alpha collection tagged De Lovét X Chi.
Ifeanyi Kalu, the Lagos-born actor, designer, and founder of the eponymous fashion brand ‘ Ifeanyi Kalu’ and the love of his life, actor/poet Nicole Ndigwe, are...
One of A Slice Of Naija’s (ASN) ‘family members’; Laide Daramola, clocked 40 on Christmas day! The advocate for Blood Cancers and Blood Disorders who resides...
Celebrating their 21st anniversary, Veteran Nigerian actor Richard Mofe-Damijo (RMD) shared a sweet note to thank his wife Jumobi for giving up her fame to give...
Last week, the likes of Toyin Adewale, Queen Oluwa, Femi Brainard, Doris Simeon, Bayo Bankole (Boy Alinco), Nifemi Egunlusi, and other Nollywood actors gathered at the...
Influencer Gloria Oloruntobi, more commonly known as Maraji, announced that she is married on her Youtube channel this week.