Disney Animation Studios and Kugali, the prominent Pan-African entertainment company, are thrilled to announce the eagerly awaited release of the groundbreaking animated series, “Iwájú,” exclusively streaming...
Renowned director Moses Inwang, the creative force behind “Blood Vessel,” brings you another blockbuster, “Dead Serious.” Scheduled for a nationwide release on February 9, just in...
Africa Magic rang in the new year with a bang. They released four new television series for the weekly primetime slate, one of which was Hook,...
Ghanaian drama series ENO returns for a second season on Showmax on 12 February 2024, with new episodes releasing weekly. ENO S1 was among the most-watched...
The Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards have celebrated the best of the African film industry since 2013 and will hold its tenth edition this year. After...
In the exciting world of African cinema, 2023 has been a game-changer! This year has seen new talent making waves and leaving a lasting impression on...
In a highly-anticipated release, the Africa Magic Original limited series, Slum King, is now available for streaming on Showmax. The gripping drama, comprising intense episodes, allows viewers...
Jesus Film Project, a leading initiative dedicated to engaging the watching world with Jesus, has announced the launch of their latest cinematic undertaking, JESUS (2025). The ground-breaking film,...
Showmax has dropped the trailer for its first Nigerian Original feature film, School Run, which is available to stream from Friday, 15 December 2023. School Run is a...
The final episode of The Real Housewives of Lagos Season 2 is set to stream on Showmax, Friday, December 15, 2023.