Following the debut of Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pan-African Entertainment Company Kugali’s “Iwájú” on Disney+ on February 28th, 2024, the all-new original animated series will...
Set to debut exclusively on Disney+ on February 28, “Iwájú,” the futuristic animated series co-produced by Pan-African entertainment company Kugali and Disney Animation Studios, was originally...
The season of love is here, and of course, Africa Magic has got you covered with a selection of love series and movies to get you...
The award-winning blockbuster film ‘Hotel Labamba’ produced by Laide Daramola and directed by Biodun Stephen is going to Prime on February 15, 2024. Starring stellar actors...
The season of love is fast approaching, and of course, Africa Magic has got you covered with a selection of love series and movies to get...
“Manfriend” is a dynamic narrative that delves into the intricacies of family relationships, deceit, and self-discovery. The story unfolds as Doosur discovers her divorced parents secretly...
Embark on a thrilling journey back to the Oyo Kingdom as traveller Saro races against time to fulfil an impossible task in the highly anticipated six-part...
Disney Animation Studios and Kugali, the prominent Pan-African entertainment company, are thrilled to announce the eagerly awaited release of the groundbreaking animated series, “Iwájú,” exclusively streaming...
Renowned director Moses Inwang, the creative force behind “Blood Vessel,” brings you another blockbuster, “Dead Serious.” Scheduled for a nationwide release on February 9, just in...
Africa Magic rang in the new year with a bang. They released four new television series for the weekly primetime slate, one of which was Hook,...