“Men are ruining Westeros.” This stark reality echoes through episode 5 of the HBO series, House of the Dragon Season 2, titled “Regent,” where the dying lords...
On July 26th, Netflix will premiere “House of Ga’a,” a historical biopic directed by Bolanle Austen-Peters and co-produced with Joseph Umoibom.
In Season 2 of The Real Housewives of Nairobi, currently streaming on Showmax, Dr Catherine Masitsa, popularly known as Dr C, is showcasing a bigger and...
The film and television industry is an exciting one, full of opportunities, rapid innovation and constantly shifting collaboration networks. However, the same factors that make the...
Five years have passed since the groundbreaking film “Òlòtūré” exposed the dark reality of human trafficking.
Award-winning director and producer Funke Akindele is gearing up for her next major film project, “Finding Me,” featuring a stellar ensemble cast.
Nollywood star Funke Akindele has achieved an unprecedented feat with her latest movie, A TRIBE CALLED JUDAH, topping multiple charts and claiming her position as a...
The versatile and gorgeous actress, Kalsoume Sinare has been nominated to receive an award at the 13th Edition of the Annual Mega 3G Awards and Celebrity...
The much anticipated 10th edition of the Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards has come to an end following an exciting and star-studded two-day celebration. This year’s...
The anointed Queen of Afrobeats TIWA SAVAGE releases the soundtrack album for her feature film, ‘Water & Garri.’. The feature film from Everything Savage and Unbound...