Nigeria’s Talented serial filmmaker and YouTube sensation that has quickly risen to intriguing popularity, Eniola Olanrewaju popularly known as Korty EO has been selected as the...
Showmax has announced the return of The Real Housewives of Lagos for a second season, premiering 29 September 2023, with new episodes on Fridays. The popular...
Get ready for an exciting Nollywood experience as Funke Akindele takes you behind the scenes of her upcoming movie, “A Tribe Called Judah.”
Award-winning Nigerian screenwriter Dami Elebe is the head writer for the highly anticipated second season of Showmax’s popular series Flawsome. Known for her exceptional storytelling as...
Adedimeji Lateef, the talented Nigerian actor, has garnered praise and admiration for his unwavering dedication to his craft, as highlighted by his recent role in the...
In “Umntwana Ongaphakathi” (The Child Inside), we immerse ourselves in a tale of self-discovery and healing, chronicling the poignant journey of the lead character, Khumbula (played...
Renowned Nollywood icon Genevieve Nnaji is making her triumphant comeback to the cinematic stage, five years after her Netflix original “Lionheart” (2018).
Nigerian comedic talent and content creator, Debo Adebayo, popularly known as Mr Macaroni, is celebrating a significant achievement in his career.
The anticipation has been building, and the wait is finally over! Femi Adebayo’s latest masterpiece, “JagunJagun,” is set to debut on Netflix, and it promises to...
Juliet Ibrahim, the renowned Ghanaian actress and global brand ambassador, left an indelible mark as a panelist at the 2023 Essence Film Festival.