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British Council (SoCreative E-learning Programme) Partners TGMA



Organizers of the annual Telecel Ghana Music Awards (TGMA) have announced their partnership with the British Council’s SoCreative E-Learning Initiative, a collaboration that seeks to augment the support for upcoming artistes with a special focus on the Unsung Category.

The SoCreative E-learning programme aims to equip artistes and music business professionals with Creative Enterprise business skills. The programme delivers a collection of free courses for the next generation of aspiring and early-stage young African creative leaders in the music industry amongst others, to support them through their business journey.

The programme doesn’t just equip creatives with business skills, it also provides comprehensive training in various aspects of creative entrepreneurship which includes business planning, marketing, intellectual property rights, and more.

This free and self-paced programme is curated by Henley Business School, University of the Arts (London), Afrinolly, and Belle & CO. There are six modules that are designed to empower creatives and business professionals which come with a certificate after each module completion. Participation in the programme opens you up to British Council’s opportunities across SSA (Sub-Saharan Africa) and the UK.

According to Paul Akrofie (Project Lead SSA) of the SoCreative E-learning Programme, this partnership is necessary to give creative entrepreneurs such as up-and-coming musicians the opportunity to face the myriad of challenges that hinder their growth and potential in the music industry.

In the words of Robert Klah, Head of Public Events & Communications at Charterhouse, this partnership will not just help give a springboard to the next generation of artistes, it will also help develop professionals who are business savvy.

Since Ghana does not have a music business school, the SoCreative E-learning is a valuable intervention. Anyone seeking to play creatively and professionally within the music business space should embrace this initiative.

Indeed, this collaboration is great news for the music business in Ghana, and all are encouraged to be part of this great and rewarding experience.

The 25th Telecel Ghana Music Awards is produced by Charterhouse, with support from TV3, Guinness Ghana, Close Up, British Council and proudly brought to you by Telecel.

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