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Mike Bamiloye Worries About This Generation’s Marriage Readiness



Mike Bamiloye Worries About This Generation’s Marriage Readiness

Mike Bamiloye, the founder of Mount Zion Faith Ministries International, has expressed his concerns regarding the lack of preparation for marriage among the youths of this generation.

Mike Bamiloye Worries About This Generation's Marriage Readiness

In an Instagram post, he stated that young people are more focused on preparing for their wedding day than their marriage life, leading to a lack of deep knowledge about what marriage entails.

Bamiloye also observed that many young women are not qualified to be wives, with no skills in cooking or managing a home. He warned that this lack of preparation could lead to spiritual challenges in the home and many marriages not being fulfilled.

Bamiloye also spoke against the trend of walking out of marriages when things are not going as expected, advising young people to be patient and endure challenges that come their way. He urged young people to be more prayerful and watchful during courtship to avoid entering into marriages that are not in line with the will of God.

Bamiloye’s concerns reflect the need for young people to focus on building a solid foundation for their marriages. Marriage is a lifetime commitment that requires preparation, patience, endurance, and perseverance. As young people prepare for marriage, it is essential to develop a deep understanding of what marriage entails, including the roles and responsibilities of both spouses.

Young women, in particular, need to develop essential skills such as cooking and home management. The ability to manage a home is a critical aspect of marriage that should not be overlooked. Young men, on the other hand, need to be more watchful during courtship and avoid marrying partners with red flags that the Holy Spirit has revealed.

See his post below: