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Lala Akindoju Is Thirty ‘Fine & Stunning!



Lala Akindoju Is Thirty ‘Fine & Stunning!

Actress and producer Lala Akindoju is 35 today, and the talented thespian whose birthday coincides with International Women’s Day is nothing but grateful.

Taking to Instagram, the yummy mummy posted a couple of pictures and a video which has been gaining a lot of attention.

In the first post; a video, she declares she’s thirty fine and not thirty five, and we concur!

See the video:

She made powerful statements in her second birthday post, declaring her intention to “walk in the fullness of God’s will and purpose” for her life.

Her hubby Chef Fregz also extolled her virtues;

35 Things


1. Bull Tenacity
2. Near Unbridled Resilience
3. Yet extremely soft and fragile
4. A near unhealthy value for structure
5. Love will choke you from her
6. Routine makes magic
7. Service is key
8. A little too committed to puff puff
9. Consistently Questioning everything
10. Rebel with a cause

My growth has been significant these three going on four years because against myself I have had to deal with you in your consistency.

I owe a lot to you. I’m happy I’m teaching you too and you’re allowing yourself get lost in true liberation.

The 8th looks good on you. Cos you’re beautiful now till ♾

There’s more 😉

Happy birthday Lala!🎈