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“How Does A Heart Break Twice?” 💔 -Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Talks About Her Mum’s Demise



“How Does A Heart Break Twice?” -Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Opens Up About Her Mum's Demise

It’s no longer news that award-winning Nigerian novelist Chimamanda Adichie is bereaved again. The nobel prize winner lost her mum Mrs. Grace Ifeoma Adichie earlier this month on Monday, March 1 2021, in Awka, Nigeria. 

According to her, plans were on to formally end the mourning period of her late dad who passed last summer during the lockdown, only for her mum to give up the ghost 2 hours after been taken to a hospital after a brief illness.

The heartbroken writer, posted photos of her mum along with a note chronicling her mum’s last minutes:

How does a heart break twice? You discover emotions you cannot name, There is an emotion more hollow than sorrow, there is acceptance drenched in disbelief. Language fails. Cliches come startlingly alive: the heart is truly heavy, it's no mere metaphor 

See her post below:

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