Daina Njuguna, one of the newest faces on our screens, stars in the Showmax Original comedy-drama series Big Girl Small World. The newcomer plays Aisha, a...
Fashion icon Kefilwe Mabote, celebrated for her impeccable style and influential presence, has built up an impressive social media following over the years. Through her content,...
Lion Forge Entertainment announced today that Iyanu, Roye Okupe’s epic Nigerian superhero animated series, is set to launch in both the U.S. and across Africa in...
Penquin, a leading brand and communication agency based in Johannesburg, is proud to announce the success of its dedicated employee empowerment initiatives. The agency has significantly...
The ninth season of Big Brother Naija is coming with exciting twists. From the season centering on dynamic pairings to the introduction of a new Fave...
SON OF CHIKE marks the triumphant return of award-winning Nigerian pop and soul sensation CHIKE two years after his critically acclaimed sophomore album The Brother’s Keeper....
Filmone Limited, Nigeria’s leading film production and distribution company, has announced the appointment of Ladun Awobokun as Chief Content Officer. This strategic move underscores the firm’s...
“Men are ruining Westeros.” This stark reality echoes through episode 5 of the HBO series, House of the Dragon Season 2, titled “Regent,” where the dying lords...
As The Macallan, the iconic Scotch whisky brand, commemorates its 200th year, its story unfolds as a fascinating narrative of craftsmanship and innovation, particularly in the...
Organisers of Africa’s most loved reality TV show Big Brother Naija, have announced that the show will return for its 9th season on Sunday, 28 July...