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The Celebration Of Orishas, Marine Spirits & More Is Not Black Culture, It’s Simply Demonic” – Lola Akinkuowo



Nigerian American creative entrepreneur and educator Lola Akinkuowo says the celebration and glorification of deities and ideas and philosophies of African spirituality that we embrace as “our roots” is demonic.

She posted her opinions in a slide on Instagram and captioned it :

I’ll be honest this was not my scheduled content for the day but this topic surrounding ‘black is king’ has truly been weighing HEAVY on my heart these last few days and felt lead to share.

So understand this message is not about condemnation, but simply to offer clarity. So as you read, please be open and let the Holy Spirit unravel any misconception about what is of God and what is not. Because if there was ever a time as Christians that we needed to practice spiritual discernment, it is now.

See her posts:

After a post garnered some backlash on social media, Lola put up another post in which she declared she “….chose God as she isn’t ashamed of the gospel..”

View this post on Instagram

So there’s a lot of confusion happening in my last post, and as disheartening as it is to read some of these comments I also understand that certain things can only be discerned in the spirit. So again saints, please don’t read that message through a lens of offense. Take this information and seek out the Holy Spirit for clarity, direction and discernment to uncover anything that you may have unknowingly been blind to. I am only a vessel, I am not the final say— God is. So I also encourage you to continue to do your own research. Ask questions. Test EVERYTHING. Examine your scriptures. Be vigilant. I myself am still learning so I can’t cover ALL things, but I will continue to shed as much light when I can, and how I can as I’m led. ⠀ Also, the straw man fallacies, name calling, shaming, and threats will never move me. I know who I am and whose I am. I’m armored. I’m prayed up. I’m ready. And I will always speak the truth because I know the price that was paid to ransom me from from the strong holds of darkness. And THAT is why I will never be ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. ⠀ So say what you will, but I know how this story ends and I’ve picked a side— And I choose to stand with God. ⠀ P.S I can’t respond to every past comment and message at the moment but just know I appreciate the outpouring of encouragement and prayers from each and every one of you! ❤️

A post shared by Lola Akinkuowo. (@lola.akw) on

You can read Lola’s journals on Dear Lola

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