Slum King is an intriguing story of Edafe ‘Majemijesu’ Umukoro, who witnessed the massacre of his family by armed robbers at age 11. The sad events...
The 2023 “BET Hip Hop Awards” has honoured the late South African rap artist Kiernan ‘AKA’ Forbes with the prestigious Global Visionary Award, recognizing his profound...
In an electrifying season that kept viewers glued to their screens, BBNaija has set a new benchmark in reality television. The All-Stars season of the popular...
All Stars season of Big Brother Naija winner, Ilebaye Precious Odiniya was awarded the grand prize of ₦120 million in a dazzling prize presentation ceremony that...
DStv will be broadcasting the 18th annual “BET Hip Hop Awards” 2023 with Grammy® Award-nominated recording artist, actor, author, entrepreneur, and media personality Fat Joe as the returning...
Multi-hyphenated, multi-award-winning media personality and businesswoman, Relebogile Mabotja receives a South African Film & Television Award (SAFTA) in the category “Best Entertainment Programme” for the much-loved...
In a nail-biting finale that left fans on the edge of their seats, Ilebaye has emerged as the champion of the inaugural Big Brother Naija All...
President and chief executive officer of the Dangote Group, Aliko Dangote has celebrated the Forum of Young Global Leaders (YGLs) and the tremendous potential of this...
Nigerian singer, Chimamanda Pearl Chukwuma known professionally as Qing Madi has been blessing fans everywhere with her smooth vocals. She has now graced the Glitch Sessions...
International Podcast Day, celebrated on 30 September, is a global acknowledgment of the power and reach of podcasts. As the podcasting industry continues to grow, International...