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The GQ South Africa 2023 June/July Special Edition Music Issue stars musicians signed under global artist services label Platoon’s, each rising global artists in their own right.

One cover stars the iconic Simphiwe Dana, alongside South African global superstar Bongeziwe Mabandla and legendary DJ and producer Da Capo, with the second cover featuring Ayra Starr, who’s career has exploded into international superstardom in just a year.

Alluding to upcoming albums, with the exception of Bongeziwe Mabandla who dropped amaXesha earlier this month, the magazine’s music issue highlights artists who represent a genuine South African soul, sincerity and rhythm that the world needs to know about. in the South African music landscape, when in reality, their music is reaching every corner of the globe and building a worldwide audience.

Bongeziwe Mabandla recently appeared on A COLORS SHOW, the latest issue of NATAAL, has two sold-out upcoming shows in London as well as an international tour that’s already kicked off. Simphiwe Dana makes a return to music with an upcoming live album and Da Capo is ready to reclaim his position among the best DJs and producers in the world.

Following the global success of Ayra Starr’s ‘Bloody Samaritan’, which included remixes by Sun-El Musician, and a feature from Kelly Rowland, and the explosive international success of ‘Rush’ which landed her in the Billboard Top 100 and getting crowned as one of the Billboard 21 Under 21 for 2023, she’s a force in the music industry who has solidified her global icon status.

With an accompanying playlist to stream whilst paging through, this year’s Music Issue takes a deep dive into Africa’s rising music stars, the growth of unique children’s music on the continent, and how art has deep roots within the entertainment space.

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