In a monumental shift after 16 years under Folio Communications, the iconic Miss Nigeria pageant is about to embark on a new journey, guided by the...
A star-studded gathering including Juliet Ibrahim, Funke Akindele, Toyin Abraham, and other Nollywood luminaries celebrated media mogul Mo Abudu’s directorial debut in “Iyawo Mi” and “Her...
Nollywood actress Rita Dominic and Folio Holdings CEOFidelis Anosike tied the knot in a traditional wedding in Owerri, Imo state, marking the first phase of their...
It’s wedding season and we are super stoked for a beloved Nollywood Actress and Producer – Rita Dominic as she prepares to walk down the aisle....
Nollywood sweetheart Rita Dominic is year older today and the ‘Queen of Zamunda’ as her fans call her, took to Instagram to share some beautiful photos