In the latest episode of “Mums Next Door,” Chef T, known for her culinary insights on Diary of a Kitchen Lover, shares her experiences as a...
Nigerian fashion designer Veekee James has released a compelling short film, “From Ajegunle to Forbes,” which captures her incredible rise from humble beginnings to global recognition.
In an interview with BBC, Nollywood filmmaker Ruth Kadiri and actor Chidi Dike shared their insights on the industry’s safety record following the tragic death of...
Nigerian singer Isaac Geralds is on the verge of hitting the 72-hour mark in his ambitious 110-hour Sing-a-thon, part of his effort to set a new...
Author and content creator Toni Omotola Adenle and her partner, content creator Taiwo Ogebule (aka Taye9ja), have announced their engagement.
Ghanaian singer-songwriter King Promise has returned to the music scene with a bang, releasing his latest single, “Favourite Story.”
Renowned fashion designer Veekee James recently shared the humble beginnings that shaped her journey to the top of the fashion world.
Nigerian Actor Alex Ekubo recently shared some adorable moments with his family on Instagram, including photos and videos.
Reality TV star and host Maria Chike has some thrilling news for her fans! Her brand-new talk show, “Mums Next Door,” is set to premiere soon,...
Award-winning director and producer Funke Akindele is gearing up for her next major film project, “Finding Me,” featuring a stellar ensemble cast.