Prepare to be thrilled and chilled as a new, spine-tingling Nigerian horror film, “Egun,” produced by Ife Olujuyige, is set to unleash fear in theatres nationwide...
Adedimeji Lateef, the talented Nigerian actor, has garnered praise and admiration for his unwavering dedication to his craft, as highlighted by his recent role in the...
Get ready for the return of the hilarious and kooky character by Bimbo Ademoye in the highly anticipated web series titled “Sibe.”
Actress Mosun Filani Oduoye has set the bar high with her first cinematic release “Different Strokes” which is set to hit the movies this month.
Nollywood Actors and newlyweds Bimpe and Lateef Adedimeji are in Austria on vacation to mark their 6 months in wedlock.
Femi Adebayo has released the first teaser video for his forthcoming film “King Of Thieves (Ogundabede)” which is touted as the first truly Epic cinema Event...