Renowned for his versatile talents as an actor, content creator, and influencer, Enioluwa Adeoluwa is gearing up for a new venture as a producer with the...
DStv marks the return of the acclaimed action-packed drama Hudson & Rex, that is returning for its highly anticipated sixth season on Universal TV. The show...
Big Brother Mzansi is making a comeback to your screens, and it’s only fair that we let y’all know how to get locked in on the...
U.S.-based Ghanaian Nicholas Buamah continues to Wow the Audience. 12-year-old Nicholas Buamah has recently set the internet ablaze with the premiere of his new TV show,...
In a recent interview with Stephanie Coker, renowned Nollywood actress Shaffy Bello shared her perspective on the ongoing debate surrounding “What do women bring to the...
Eight years after entering the streaming market in Africa, Showmax is gearing up for its biggest year yet. The African streaming service is relaunching in February...
3Music TV is pleased to announce the appointment of Culture Daily host and renowned media personality, Jay Foley, as its new Head of Programs, succeeding Ricky...
S3’s Expresso Morning Show, a S3 South African staple of morning television, is delighted to welcome Zanele Potelwa as the newest addition to its hosting team....
Toke Makinwa is back with another exciting episode of her weekly podcast, “Toke Moments.” This time, she has none other than the trailblazing Funke Akindele, fondly...
It’s week eight in the Big Brother All-Stars season and a new chance for the housemates to shoot their shot at the coveted HOH title, seat,...