Filmone Limited, Nigeria’s leading film production and distribution company, has announced the appointment of Ladun Awobokun as Chief Content Officer. This strategic move underscores the firm’s...
As The Macallan, the iconic Scotch whisky brand, commemorates its 200th year, its story unfolds as a fascinating narrative of craftsmanship and innovation, particularly in the...
This Youth Month, South Africa’s business leaders are stepping forward to empower the next generation with invaluable insights and advice. Recognising the potential and ambition of...
OneWildCard, a leading advertising agency in Nigeria, celebrates its seventh anniversary. This milestone marks seven years of a legacy defined by innovative creativity and successful collaborations...
A new beacon of familial legacy and communal spirit has arrived in Waterfall Corner, Johannesburg, with the opening of Math™ Restaurant. Having opened its doors in...
The renowned Ghanaian Business Executive, Angela Kyerematen-Jimoh continues to make waves internationally as she becomes the first Ghanaian juror for the Cannes Lions International Festival of...
In an era where change is the only constant, businesses must adapt and evolve to stay ahead. Penquin, the brand and communication agency based in Johannesburg,...
The 6th edition of the National Women’s Summit and Expo, organized by Charterhouse Productions, was a resounding success. The prestigious event was organized in commemoration of...
Upon reappointment by Access Holdings Plc (the Holdco’), Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede returns to the organisation after a decade as its non-executive chairman. Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede, a pioneer of...
The sixth edition of Culture Summit Abu Dhabi opened today in the UAE capital, gathering over 200 speakers and 1,150 participants from 90 countries to identify...