The much-anticipated reality tv show, Big Brother Titans, premiered this Sunday, January 15, 2023. As part of the launch party, buzzing South African artiste, Buhlebevangeli Hlengiwe...
Vic Mensa continues to show off his humanitarian side by helping those near and dear to his heart. Born Victor Kwesi Mensah, the 29-year-old artist was...
With momentum rife for the the highly anticipated 8th edition of the All-Africa Music Awards (AFRIMA) tagged ‘Teranga Edition’ scheduled to hold in Dakar, Senegal on...
Yemi Alade has been announced as Spotify EQUAL Africa artist for January. “It’s a great time to be alive,” Alade said. “Female artists have quadrupled in...
Nominations are ongoing for the 2023 edition of the Vodafone Ghana Music Awards (VGMAs), ahead of the awards ceremony in Accra later this year. Now in their 24th...
Championing the new generation of Amapiano, viral hit maker and youth culture leader, Robot Boii, and fast rising producer and musician with numerous radio hits under...
The highly-anticipated brand-new edition of Big Brother, BBTitans, is almost here, and everyone is slowly counting down. Titans will see BBNaija and BBMzansi coming together as...
South African television and radio personality, Carol Ofori has won an esteemed SOVAS Voice Arts® Award in the Outstanding Commercial – Radio or Streaming – Best...
Niyola, Naeto C, Praiz and Waje have been announced as the judges or coaches for the fourth season of The Voice Nigeria. Since its debut in...
From becoming a global sensation for his coffin dance meme to finally selling the meme as NFT, Benjamin Aidoo has had quite the journey. And his...