The Africa Film Academy (AFA), producers of the prestigious Africa Movie Academy Awards (AMAA), unveiled the nominations for the highly anticipated 20th edition of the awards...
Angélique Kidjo, fresh off the success of her single “Joy” with Davido, has released a vibrant new music video to continue the celebration.
Air France is proud to announce the return of its seasonal flight service between Cape Town International Airport (CPT) and Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG) starting from 7 October...
Former Big Brother Africa winner Karen Igho has taken to social media to share a deeply distressing account of her ongoing struggles.
A majority of African countries will take part in the BRICS+ Fashion Summit in Moscow. The Summit is set to be the largest event in the...
The African Development Bank has made a strategic equity investment of $10 million in Dhamana Guarantee Company, a Nairobi-based provider of guarantees to support sustainable growth...
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines is proud to announce its enhanced winter schedule, set to run from October 27, 2024, to March 30, 2025, catering to both...
Gospel singer Peterson Okopi recently marked a major milestone by legally marrying his partner, Prudent Gabriel, a renowned fashion designer.
Martell, the oldest of the great cognac houses, kicks off the second chapter of its 2021 award-winning ‘Be the Standout Swift’ campaign with singer, songwriter, and...
Episode 8 of BBNaija Season 9: The Buzz kicked off with a wave of drama as host Toke Makinwa dissected the latest evictions with her guests,...