In a recent incident, Nigerian artiste Burna Boy made a bold statement during a live performance, walking off stage due to technical difficulties. This incident has...
MTV Base, the renowned entertainment brand, is gearing up for the second season of its highly anticipated music game show, ‘Know Your Music.’
Disney Animation Studios and Kugali, the prominent Pan-African entertainment company, are thrilled to announce the eagerly awaited release of the groundbreaking animated series, “Iwájú,” exclusively streaming...
In a recent social media uproar, Nollywood actress Sarah Martins expressed her disapproval of Big Brother Naija Pepper Dem housemate Tacha’s controversial stance on cheating in...
Renowned director Moses Inwang, the creative force behind “Blood Vessel,” brings you another blockbuster, “Dead Serious.” Scheduled for a nationwide release on February 9, just in...
Nigerian skitmaker, Josh Alfred, popularly known as Josh2funny, is basking in the joy of fatherhood once again as he and his wife, Bina, welcome their second...
Natalia Andoh, a renowned counselor and psychologist, graced the stage of 3 Music TV’s Big Conversation on a vibrant Monday morning. The Culture Squad had the...
International Afropop, Dancehall & Reggae artist, Stonebwoy has been confirmed for the All Africa Festival (AAF) on February 2, 2024, at Etihad Park, Yas Island in...
Renowned singer, songwriter, and music producer Timi Dakolo has treated fans to the visuals of his latest single, “Men of the South.”
Renowned Grammy-winning artist Usher is poised to captivate the spotlight at the 2024 Super Bowl halftime show, promising a performance that guarantees to be a touchdown....