Juliana Olayode, popularly known for her role as ‘Toyo Baby’ in Funke Akindele’s hit TV series Jenifa’s Diary, announces that her feud with Funke Akindele is...
The dispute between Olayode Juliana and her former pastor, Timi Adigun, deepens as she dismisses his recent claims denying that he had taken over her social...
On the new episode of actress Juliana Olayode’s vlog which she titled ‘Celebrities and their love life’, she spoke to award-winning actor, coach and author Femi...
Nollywood veteran and fan favourite, Liz Benson Ameye talks about why she acting as often as she used to and shares the secret of how to...
In a tearful tirade, actress Olayode Juliana popularly known as ‘Toyo Baby’ has called out a certain ‘man of God’ Pastor Timilehin Adigun for allegedly controlling...
After the blockbuster success of the 2022 film ‘Aníkúlápó’ helmed by director Kunle Afolayan, the highly anticipated sequel series is set to debut on March 1,...
Nigerian filmmaker and actress Funke Akindele has given fans a sneak peek into her upcoming cinematic creation with the release of the official trailer for “A...
Valentine’s Day is not just about chocolates and roses; it’s also a time when celebrities light up social media with dazzling displays of love and affection.