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Kirk Franklin Announces Kingdom Tour In Africa



American gospel legend Kirk Franklin is embarking on a KINGDOM TOUR, and Africa is on the list! Franklin will be visiting several countries, including Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, bringing his unique blend of gospel, urban, and contemporary music to fans across the continent.

While the exact date for the Ghana concert has not been announced yet, fans are eagerly awaiting the opportunity to experience Franklin’s energetic performance and inspiring music. Joining him on tour will be the talented collective, Maverick City Music, known for their soulful harmonies and uplifting songs.

The Kingdom Tour promises to be an unforgettable experience, showcasing Franklin’s iconic hits and new music, all centered around the theme of kingdom-building and worship.

Stay tuned for updates on the concert date, venue, and ticket information. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to join Kirk Franklin and Maverick City Music in praise and worship!

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