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A Dazzling Display of Ijebu Culture and Heritage at The 2024 Ojude Oba Festival



A Dazzling Display of Ijebu Culture and Heritage at The 2024 Ojude Oba Festival
Photo by Niyi Fagbemi

The 2024 Ojude Oba Festival brought a dazzling display of cultural heritage, elegance, and artistry to the fore.

Celebrated annually by the Ijebu people in Ijebu-Ode, Ogun State, Nigeria, this iconic event is a rich tapestry of tradition and community pride. Ojude Oba, meaning “king’s courtyard” in Yoruba, is a day-long festival that captivates with its grandeur and vibrant festivities.

Central to the festival are the ‘regberegbe’, cultural age groups composed of local indigenes and their friends. These groups parade before the king’s palace on the third day of Eid el Kabir, dressed in their most opulent traditional attire.

Each group, comprising men and women, showcases a spectacular array of bright-coloured garments. Traditional textiles such as Sanyan, Alaari, Etu, and Adire are featured prominently, alongside more modern brocades and laces, reflecting the dynamic fusion of past and present.

This year’s event saw participants donning their most regal and flamboyant outfits, making the 2024 Ojude Oba Festival a breathtaking spectacle of colour and tradition.

Experience the beauty and richness of this cultural celebration through the stunning attire and spirited participation of the Ijebu people.

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