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Isaac Geralds Nears 72-Hour Mark in Record-Breaking Sing-a-thon for Autism Awareness



Isaac Geralds Nears 72-Hour Mark in Record-Breaking Sing-a-thon for Autism Awareness

Nigerian singer Isaac Geralds is on the verge of hitting the 72-hour mark in his ambitious 110-hour Sing-a-thon, part of his effort to set a new Guinness World Record for the longest singing marathon.

The event, held at The Continent in Washington, DC, is aimed at raising $500,000 for autism awareness, with proceeds benefiting @childrensnational and @efeireleautismfoundation.

Isaac Geralds Nears 72-Hour Mark in Record-Breaking Sing-a-thon for Autism Awareness

Geralds has dedicated today’s performances to iconic artists such as Luther Vandross, Boyz II Men, and Usher, showcasing his versatility and paying homage to these musical legends. His marathon singing session is not only a test of endurance but also a tribute to the greats who have inspired him.

The Sing-a-thon is open to public attendance at 1110 Vermont Ave NW, Washington, DC 20005, where supporters can witness the event live and contribute to the cause. Donations can also be made online, with links available in Geralds’ social media bios.

Isaac Geralds’ Sing-a-thon is an effort to raise awareness and funds for autism, with the goal of reaching $500,000. This initiative supports Children’s National and the Efe Irele Autism Foundation, providing much-needed resources and assistance to those affected by autism.

For more information and to donate, please visit the link in the bio on Isaac Geralds’ social media pages.

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