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Love & Weddings!

Toolz and Tunde Demuren Celebrate 8th Wedding Anniversary



Toolz and Tunde Demuren Celebrate 8th Wedding Anniversary

Happy 8th anniversary to the lovely couple, Tolu Oniru Demuren aka Toolz and Tunde Demuren. They took to social media to share their stories and gratitude, celebrating eight incredible years together.

Toolz and Tunde Demuren Celebrate 8th Wedding Anniversary

Tunde Demuren expressed his love and appreciation, saying, “8 years already !!! Time flies when you are having fun with your own person. Love u in this life and the life to come! @toolzo”

Toolz shared a hilarious and relatable story about their wedding day, revealing how she overslept and nearly missed her flight to Dubai. She wrote,

“Funny story, the day we were supposed to fly out to Dubai for our wedding, I overslept and nearly missed my flight. My security guard and sister were banging on my front door, and I was on some next level of sleep. I eventually woke up to 100 calls from Captain (who was already at the airport) and different family members. In tears I called him back and I remember wailing ‘Tell me what to do!!’ cos I thought I had missed my flight. He managed to calm me down and said: just come down now, so I got dressed as quickly as I could and rushed down and miraculously made the flight.
Thank you for being the calm (sometimes too calm) to my dramatic self over the last 8 years. The one that stays calm when I’m ready to start shouting ‘Aradugbo egbami o’🙆🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️
Thank you for the babies…maybe one more??
May God grant us many more years together full of love, understanding and joy!
May we continue to grow and learn to be better partners for each other with God at the centre of it all.
Cheers to 8!!!

Join us in wishing this beautiful couple a happy anniversary and many more years of love, happiness, and togetherness!

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