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Top 5 Do’s And Don’ts From A Seasoned Whisky Educator



From mastering proper nosing techniques to navigating the presumably complex tasting methods, exploring the vast world of whisky can sometimes seem daunting.

However, whisky appreciation can be fun and exciting. To guide whisky lovers on this flavorful journey, here are 5 do’s and don’ts from a seasoned whisky educator.

A Tulip Glass of The Macallan

1. Do Choose Your Glass Wisely

The shape of your glass can significantly impact your whisky experience. Consider a tulip glass, which helps concentrate the aromas and allows you to fully appreciate the whisky’s fragrance.

A Glass of The Macallan Infused Cocktail

2. Don’t Dilute With Ice

While some drinkers prefer their whisky on the rocks, as an astute purist, adding ice can dull the flavour and aroma of the whisky. Instead of diluting your whisky with ice, consider using whisky stones or chilling the glass beforehand to achieve the desired temperature without sacrificing taste.

A Glass of Whisky

3.Do Add A Little Water

A splash of water can “open up” the whisky, softening the alcohol bite and revealing subtler notes. Experiment by adding drops one at a time until you find your perfect balance.

Richard Mofe- Damijo Nosing A Glass of Whisky

4.Don’t Dive in Nose Deep

Unlike smelling a flower, resist the urge to bury your nose directly in the glass and sniff aggressively. Instead, hold the glass a few inches away, swirl, and take a gentle sniff of the sweet and savoury notes of the liquid.

Guests At The Unveiling of The Macallan The Reach

5. Do Tell A Friend

Whisky is meant to be shared and enjoyed with company! Share a bottle (or two) with like-minded people, discuss tasting notes, and create memorable experiences together.

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