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South African Celebrities Share Heart-Warming Messages To Their Moms This Mother’s Day



Mother’s Day is right around the corner and the day is the perfect opportunity to celebrate all that our lovely mothers have done and continue to do for us.

With just a few days to go until Mother’s Day this year, we asked some of Mzansi’s biggest celebrities to share their heartfelt messages to their mothers.

Kriya Gangiah, television and radio personality

This year, Kriya is travelling to Morocco for an adventure of a lifetime – but that won’t stop her from celebrating her mom. “My mom is unbelievably caring and makes sure she takes care of everyone around her – and always with a smile on her face!” Kriya shares.

“Because I can’t be close to my mom this Mother’s Day, I am going to be sending her something special on the day. It’s not always easy to be away from your parents, especially on a day like today, but doing something special despite the distance is something I think is so important.”

Martin Bester, Jacaranda FM radio personality

Although Jacaranda FM’s breakfast host Martin Bester’s mom has passed on, the impact she had on the radio DJ still impacts the way he lives his life today. “I will never forget how my mother always used to encourage me to express myself,” Martin shares.

“When it comes to the way I wear my hair or the clothing that I wear, she encouraged me to be more eccentric than I landed up being. It definitely gave me a sense of confidence in expressing myself and, to this day, I am incredibly grateful for that.” The Jacaranda FM host adds “I will never forget that about her.

Sometimes she encouraged me to wear clothes that I got a lot of flak for as a kid but looking back at it now, it helped me become a lot more expressive. I am an entertainer and a performer and a presenter so it definitely helped and I appreciate that a whole lot.”  

Carol Ofori, radio and television personality

Carol Ofori and her mom have an incredibly special relationship and she is looking forward to celebrating her this Mother’s Day. “My mom is so special because she puts up with all my nonsense! She made me, so she kind of has to! My mom has such a big, forgiving and very giving heart and a great council spirit.

She will comfort and support you which I admire so much.” Carol adds “My mom is also unapologetic when it comes to giving advice. Even if she knows you are going to fight with her because you don’t want her to have this opinion of something, she’s not going to not have this opinion because she’s scared of your reaction – she will always be honest, and I love that. Being honest with yourself and people is so important. She is also such a great grandmother and my kids adore her and she spoils them and she prays for them, and I am grateful for that.”

Kiddo CSA, rapper and musician

Newcomer Kiddo CSA is taking the local rap space by storm with his just-released EP ‘Worldwide Eye’ and as his profile continues to grow, the rapper explains that his mother helped pave the way for his success. “There’s a lot I could say about why my mother is so special but I think the biggest impact she has had on me is the way she is patient about everything,” Kiddo CSA explains.

“She taught me how to wait my time and work harder without stressing too much – something I struggled with for a minute. Having her to watch out for me throughout the years practicing patience in everything she did is just one of the many reasons that she is so special to me.”

Kim Jayde, influencer and media personality

For social media sensation Kim Jayde, living in a different country to her mother has certainly been a challenge, but something that has helped make them incredibly close regardless. “My mum lives in Zimbabwe, so unfortunately we don’t get to physically be together to celebrate this day. But, I’m grateful for our relationship. We talk often and share stories about life. She gives me love and support through it all,” the DStv Content Creator Awards winner says.

“My mom was my first glimpse into the fabulous world of fashion. We grew up in a small town, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and her job allowed her to travel the world for work. Upon return she’d always bring back a copy of Vogue or Harpers Bazaar and explain the brands, designer labels, fashion trends and it’s what sparked my passion for fashion.”

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