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Achraf Hakimi: Social Media Influencer Solomon Buchi Argues That a Man’s Next of Kin Should Be His Wife



AchrafHakimi Social Media Influencer Solomon Buchi Argues That a Man's Next of Kin Should Be His Wife.jpg

In a recent social media post, popular influencer Solomon Buchi expressed his disapproval of the trend of men naming their mothers as their next of kin, insisting that a man’s wife should hold that position.

Buchi lamented the challenges faced by women who are married to men that have named their mothers as their next of kin. He cited the recent case of footballer Achraf Hakimi, whose wife reportedly found out that he had deposited 80 percent of his salary in his mother’s account and bought properties in her name.

This, according to Buchi, makes it difficult for the wife to have any control over the husband’s assets.

In his post, Buchi wrote, “The devil is really fighting overtime to bastardize marriage.” He went on to argue that, “The next of kin of a man should be his wife and no one else.”

While many people on social media have supported Buchi’s position, some have argued that the decision of who to name as next of kin should be left to the individual, and should be based on their personal circumstances and relationships.

Regardless of individual opinions, the issue of next of kin is an important one, and couples should carefully consider their options when making such decisions. Whether it’s a wife, mother, or another family member, it’s important to have a plan in place that ensures that the people you care about are taken care of in the event of an emergency or unforeseen circumstances.

In the end, what matters most is that couples have open and honest conversations about their finances and their plans for the future, so that they can make informed decisions that work best for their relationship.

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