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“It’s Not Just A Song It’s An Affirmation” – Man Of The Arts – Adekunle Gold



Adekunle Gold

Adekunle Gold, the Nigerian Afro Pop sensation, has recently shared with his fans how the power of positive affirmation has helped him on his path to success. Today, he serves as an inspiration to many.

Take a look at AG’s letter to his fans:

Since the beginning of this year, I have been saying consistently ‘IT IS MY SEASON’. Repeat after me ‘IT IS MY SEASON’. This is the vibe you need to be on for the rest of the year.

I want you to take my word for it, positive thinking works. It pushes you to be bold and to step out of the box you place yourself in. To dream big and to dare yourself to work towards those dreams. This year everything I’ve been saying has happened. I have manifested dreams that I’ve had for years and I’m finally getting everything I need but in my own timing.

Things are aligning for me, it didn’t happen overnight but I’ve said it over and over again. I always knew I would be here, today doing this. Doing all the things that I dreamt of as a young boy from Ikotun, Agege. If you think a certain way, you will live a certain way and you will attract certain experiences. Nothing is by chance or luck.

I read in a book once that manifestation is the faith and assurance that you put in a higher power, in the universe and yourself that you can get whatever you want at the right time. The most important part of this Olubunmi is that you must believe in yourself, you must talk the talk and walk the walk. If you want to be a personal trainer, how disciplined are you every day of your life? If you want to be an artist, how many NO’s can you overlook before you finally get a yes?

August 6, 2013, I tweeted and posted this on Instagram “Ceramist, sculptor, brand developer, graphic artist, SINGER. You’d agree that I am a “man of the arts”…save this picture you will join me in saying my success story soonest”. (See screenshot below)

2 years after that I got my first music break with Sade and 8 years down the line I am still here and I am a success story. I was sure and convinced from the very beginning, I was determined and it manifested.

Repeat after me again “I am not what I have seen, I know who I am, I just want my peace, I just want to prosper, I will get everything I need, everything I want, everything I can dare to dream of, in my own timing, no matter what the journey may be, IT IS MY TIME”.

This song is my life, my story, my journey. I shared it with Zino and he shared his own story with me. Together we are sharing our stories with you.

Write me, share yours with me, I want to read from you.

All my love,
Man of the arts.

Party No Dey Stop Just Dropped!
Enjoy –

"It’s Not Just A Song It’s An Affirmation" - Man Of The Arts - Adekunle Gold

Featured Image Credit: Simon Thiselton