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Canada News

Ontario Announces Tuition Free Accelerated Training for Personal Support Workers (PSW)



Personal Support Worker

Ontario has announced it will provide funding for accelerated programs that will cover tuition and other expenses. The accelerated program begins April 5 and allows students to graduate after six months.

In early March, the program will begin accepting applications. The added enrollment is expected to bring the total number of PSW graduates in the province to more than 8,000 by this fall.

This program will utilize a hybrid model that combines online learning with in-person practical experience. Students in the program will access e-learning courses and participate in facilities at the colleges and in care settings.

A student in the accelerated program may volunteer in long-term care homes and other settings during the first three months of the program, and may be placed in a paid work setting after three months.

While the standard PSW programs at colleges take eight months to complete, graduates of the accelerated program will enter the workforce at the end of six months.

Details about the province-funded PSW program should be available on the Ontario College website on or after March 8.

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